Thursday 17 December 2009

Yesterday i began by learning how to create facings in a garment. This is the extra fabric that folds over into the inside of the garment. Then went on to finish my dart manipulation. Today we have began learing how to do the stages for sleeves and skirts. We have started with the simple ones and shown in paper the step by step stages of creating the pattern piece needed. At first i could pick up the sleeve patterns but took me abit of time to get the hang of the skirt. now finish for christmas :-) over the xmas period i need to finish all sleeve and skrits and start to think about dress designs.

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Start of new module

We learnt about the darts today in garments. We have been shown how to do all different dart manipulation. Quite interesting, now i have shown how to do it in all stages on paper i want to try do it in fabric just on half scale for my folder. We are also creating a folder we can keep for years to come to show all the different aspects of making a garment.

Friday 4 December 2009

Sewing Induction

Just had my sewing induction today. Ive learnt how to do all different seams for the start of the next module.

Thursday 3 December 2009

My finial piece

These are pictures of my finial piece that was created from a womans, mens and childs shirt.


Really want to no what my result is now. Had my feedback today i think it went well. My tutor thought i had a good body of drawings and a good mix of skills and approaches. Also that i had really good cad skills and my finial piece was good. However like i said before could have done bigger samples and my have benefit from a deeper investigation into my chosen artist. But happy so far hopefully get good mark.

Hand in date! 1st dec

Just handed in my 2nd module of the year. I enjoyed this one more than the last as we got to think more about the garments and not just research. I feel this one went better but maybe could have done with more samples. I think if i were to do it again i would create samples on a larger scale and play around with more ideas! All in all i was happy with my finial piece as i felt it tied in really well with my folder work. I think the next module will be even more interesting as i have never done pattern cutting before so excited to see what it is like.