Sunday 26 December 2010

My new shoesssssssssssssss

Oh yes i do love you to...

My cheeky xmas prezzie :-)

I have a wonderful boyfriend!!

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Monday 20 December 2010

High hair styles

Samples for final design

A couple of examples of the types of samples i did for my package. first image is of my cuff 2nd image button hole and 3rd image pocket.

Sunday 19 December 2010

Saturday 18 December 2010

Thursday 16 December 2010

Hand in for tailoring

Due to the snow day the hand in date has been push we now have to 23rd of dec to hand in. During this time i need to do my design work then with my chosen design produce samples of each innovative detail. Alot of work to do :-(

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Sunday 12 December 2010


Even bought a Aqua dress myself hehe :-)


Love the details used in some garments from Aqua. I love how they use one key feature to make the tailored dress work. I also looked at this shop as part of my research.

Friday 10 December 2010

Innovative Lapel

I chose to create a heart shape lapel when the jacket is closed. this picture show a sample of my lapel half of the jacket = half of the heart.

Rever and Lapel

This week in tailoring i learnt how to create a traditional lapel and rever. i found this quite difficult and took me a lot of time to get my head around it. However i felt pleased when i had worked it out and was finish to a neat level. After battling through i wasn't happy to hear i had to create and design an innovative lapel. Overall this help me to think about how these lapel were constructed.

Monday 6 December 2010

Thursday 2 December 2010

Snow day :-)

Uni cancelled this week due to the snow in Leeds :-)

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Shoulder pads

After learning how to hand sew a shoulder pad i began looking at how shoulder pads can be used in garment. The clothing used to Rhianna and Lady Gaga stood out at me the most. Shoulder pads are used to the extreme in dressing rooms. Few picies of my research work i have drawn over a few images to show how i could use certain bits and design my own version.

Friday 26 November 2010

Week 3 of tailoring

Over this week ive learnt how to hand sew a shoulder pad and a rever. The rever is the hand sew bit insider the lapel of a tailored jacket. Sorry no pictures to show.

Friday 19 November 2010

Innovative Sleeve

Picture of my innovative sleeve. It is a puff sleeve with tucks just above the elbow then into a 3 piece lower part of the sleeve. Also with a top stitch hem. As you can see from the picture i have used different sides of the fabric for different pieces, feels makes it more effective.

Set-in sleeve

This week we were show how to do a set-in sleeve. Once you have made sure there is no pucks in the seam of the top you can add a head roll to smooth the sleeve out. A head roll is a form of shoulder pad. After we learnt this we had to applied our skills and design and make an innovative sleeve.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Button Holes

First picture is an example of my hand made button hole. Then the 2nd picture shows how this would be developed and turned into a pocket on a tailored garment.

Monday 15 November 2010


Now have my tailoring module learning new ways of sewing over the weeks then left to developed these skills in my private studies . This week i have been shown how to hand sew hems. I will do a example of all these and show them in a file i can keep and refer back to in years to come. I have also been show how to create button holes. I have produce examples of hand made button hole and machine button holes in my file.

Paul Smith shop report

Just a few picies of my shop report sketches. By doing this it helps me keep up to date of the current trends and look more closely at the garments. I can see how they hav manufactured the garment with all the finishings and trims. Also with Paul Smith i looked closely at the linings.

Sunday 14 November 2010

West Yorkshire Playhouse

Visited the West Yorkshire playhouse in Leeds to help us with research for tailoring. I drew sketches of the clothing focusing more on the key details. For instance button holes, pockets, fastenings and trims. We also dressed up in a few of the clothes. Sum funny pics to look at hehe :-)

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Heroes and Heroines

Today i have visited the Heroes and Heroines exhibition at the Leeds city museum. This will help as part of my research. I will post a few pictures to follow.

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Monday 8 November 2010


As part of our enterprise module we have to come up with an idea that you can use to start up a business with £10 of your money. I have created a partership with Nichola and Jennifer Harding to create a business now using £30 of making and selling baby doll dresses.

Our brand name is Frivolous!!!
Look out for the making of Frivolous....


My tailoring starts on the 11th of November. In prep i need to produce a shop report looking at tailored garments in the shops today. I have therefore chose to look at Paul Smith. i feel this will match the brief. i am going to look at men's and women's tailored clothing therefore i can chose which gender i can going to focus on. I am going to go into the Paul Smith shop in Leeds to sketch the current trends. I need to look at all detail such as fabric, top stitch, pockets buttons etc

Thursday 4 November 2010

reading week

In my reading week from the 25th Oct to the 28th Oct i was part of the drawing elective.
Overall a enjoyable experience and feel i have learnt new ways of drawing.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

David Downton

Fashion Illustrations