Thursday 25 February 2010

This week i have been carrying on with my research for temple newsman i have look at different parts of the house but seem to foucus more on the dolls house and the things with in it. From these sheets i have began to pull out shapes i could develop and use to create garment ideas. From this i have tried to pull in my research from my trend board and my research from my chosen market. I am now designing for Topshop for Spring/Summer 2010.

Tuesday 23 February 2010


This module is about the trends of the summer and we have to design a collection for a shop for spring summer 2010. I've started my shop report which quite enjoying gives me a chance to look more closely at the garments of certain markets and how they have been constructed. Also interesting to see the differences throughout the market levels. Ive created my shop report in style of a sketch book so i can quickly get my sketchs down and is more fun to read. We also have to do a trend report by look at four trends that will apear this summer of 2010. This consists more of pictures key words and colour palettes.

Friday 19 February 2010

photography elective

This week Ive been doing my photography elective. We started by learning all the different aspects of the camera and how we can change the settings and lightnings to capture the image we wanted. I really enjoyed this and learnt alot i feel i could use for my fashion work. From what we had learnt we had to create a portfolio. I looked at what reflections of water can show. I took many images using the settings i had learnt and showed how i could apply these settings to different scenes. After i had played around i chose my six favorite images and development them on photoshop to create a more profession image. Finally i had them printed and mounted onto different card to create a better finish.

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Temple Newsam House

Today we went to visit Temple Newsam in Leeds. It is a great historic house in England. We had to go around it and sketch and take images of what interest us. This is the basics of are research for the next module so that we can pull out what interest us and develop further, so create ideas for a collection.

Wednesday 3 February 2010


Really good feedback said my garment was excellent which i was really happy about as it was a very long and tiring day but not feels like i got a good result. He said now i have these skills will allow me to be successful in the future modules :-) as i can understand the construction more. Also that i have clear understanding of pattern making and dart manipulation and a excellent evaluation. so really happy :-)