Thursday 18 March 2010


Feedback was good so hopefully a good mark. Angie said i had a good shop and trend report. I Just need more samples through out my work as part of the design process. Which i knew i needed but was hard to go back and do this so will have to consider more for the next module. Furthermore i could try different media so you can see more rendering.

Thursday 11 March 2010

Final Line Up

Today i have finially finished my finial line up. It took a few times to get there but finially got my collection and i love it. Just wish i could go on to make it now i have got to this point. Just need to go back and tidy up and my work so i can hand it in on tues, i feel i have done ok and im happy with my work.

Tuesday 2 March 2010


From my sheets im closely reaching my finial line up. Which is my final collection. From my developed ideas i have design many garments for each part of a collections. eg skirts, tops, jackets etc. I am now at the point where i can play around with these to reach the right outfit. This is quite fun but i keep forget to look more closely at the garments i am drawing that i have included everything like the darts for example.