Friday 21 May 2010

final hand in!!!

Just handed in my final module. Scary cant believe how fast the year has gone!! I have enjoyed this course more modules than others i have preferred the later ones with the making and designing. I have just wanted to get away from all the research. Overall i have enjoyed the year and feel i have learnt a lot. Now onto year two!!

Wednesday 19 May 2010


Swing tag
Final view of the package
Hanger and swing tag

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Crafts package

For my crafts package i want to keep with something quite simple but effective. I am going to just design a hanger and a swing tag that ties in with my design. As my skirt has a lot going on i don't want the swing tag to become part of my skirt therefore i have kept it as a block colour. The design and materials i have used remind me most of one of my chosen words which is witchcraft. I will add a picture so you can see what i mean. However the detail added to the hanger is very similar to my design used for the skirt. I feel this shows a strong link and ties in really well.

Friday 14 May 2010

Final Maxi Skirt

Close up of my chosen fabric


Monday 10 May 2010

Maxi skirt

Back to my module I've spent my day making my maxi skirt and its finished! :-) I'm pretty happy with it i will post pictures soon. Just need to start thinking about my crafts package to present it in then first year will nearly be over! Crazy its gone so fast!

Friday 7 May 2010

work experience

Just found out I've got work experience for the summer! :-) so excited. I'll be working at the head office near Liverpool of Matalan. I am going to be working alongside of the girls buyer of Matalan for 2 weeks! exciting!

Wednesday 5 May 2010

3rd year

Working with 3rd year again today. i feel abit like an interim lol I started by cutting out her fabric pieces then iron pressed them. Then design some business cards front and back on illustrator. after that she needed me to go into town again to get some ribbon. i feel i am learning the most from my third year through the commucation and finding out different things that will help me for my next two years to come. Also about the different places i could get fabric from more selection. Just got one more session left with my 3rd year next week.