Thursday 17 December 2009

Yesterday i began by learning how to create facings in a garment. This is the extra fabric that folds over into the inside of the garment. Then went on to finish my dart manipulation. Today we have began learing how to do the stages for sleeves and skirts. We have started with the simple ones and shown in paper the step by step stages of creating the pattern piece needed. At first i could pick up the sleeve patterns but took me abit of time to get the hang of the skirt. now finish for christmas :-) over the xmas period i need to finish all sleeve and skrits and start to think about dress designs.

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Start of new module

We learnt about the darts today in garments. We have been shown how to do all different dart manipulation. Quite interesting, now i have shown how to do it in all stages on paper i want to try do it in fabric just on half scale for my folder. We are also creating a folder we can keep for years to come to show all the different aspects of making a garment.

Friday 4 December 2009

Sewing Induction

Just had my sewing induction today. Ive learnt how to do all different seams for the start of the next module.

Thursday 3 December 2009

My finial piece

These are pictures of my finial piece that was created from a womans, mens and childs shirt.


Really want to no what my result is now. Had my feedback today i think it went well. My tutor thought i had a good body of drawings and a good mix of skills and approaches. Also that i had really good cad skills and my finial piece was good. However like i said before could have done bigger samples and my have benefit from a deeper investigation into my chosen artist. But happy so far hopefully get good mark.

Hand in date! 1st dec

Just handed in my 2nd module of the year. I enjoyed this one more than the last as we got to think more about the garments and not just research. I feel this one went better but maybe could have done with more samples. I think if i were to do it again i would create samples on a larger scale and play around with more ideas! All in all i was happy with my finial piece as i felt it tied in really well with my folder work. I think the next module will be even more interesting as i have never done pattern cutting before so excited to see what it is like.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

work nearly done!!

Spent my day off catching up..part 1 finished woo!! part 2...nearly finished just 2 sheets left to do ill do that tomorrow.. garment..finished!! nearly there! thought this module was a lot more exciting than the last! more creative i thought! I enjoyed trying to make a new garment out of three already made garments quite a challenge.
Actually just stayed at uni till 7 to finish my cad for part 1 nightmare ha but its now down woo!! Actually took me like an hour to work out how to made it A3 size before i started i didnt want it to be blurry think i need to re cap photoshop more its slowly coming back to me not used it in like 3 years! i use to be good at it then ha!

Tuesday 24 November 2009

After my research i need to start developing ideas i can use for my garment. We also need to buy a child's, a women's, and a men shirt. We can only use this to make our garments. Therefore i need to start thinking about this and create some ideas. I am going to start by working onto the mannequins and develop from there.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

17th Nov- part 2 work

...carrying on from last week i have now used fabric instead to show the manipulating images. It helps to show a clearer view i what i am wanting to achieve. I am also using my research from the artist and my chosen word to get where i am. Im now at my idea stage of the module so its coming along nicely...just want it done!! I have taken for my earlier research and kept developing my work further to help me start creating ideas for my garment. then it will be nearly xmas woooo!!!

Thursday 12 November 2009

Love the work we did today never worked that why before...manipulating images. Had to take shapes from images i have found in my research to form a garment. Such a more exciting way to work and i found it created fab ideas i could use for garments. I brought this into my part 2 work now i feel it can help me develop my work to help find my finial design. I feel my work it going fine just maybe need to work abit faster...

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Part 2 work !

Just started my part 2 work today, started looking at the work of Alexandra Verschueren a fashion designer thats very interested in paper as her main media and focus. Ive just started with my basic research and trying to put things together. Her work seems really interesting but looks really complicated to get the look she wants. It almost reminds me of the "world of origami". I have also chose the word distorted but not really looked at it yet.. best get going.

Thursday 22 October 2009

Workshop week!

Ahhh really tired now.. just finished my last workshop..consist of alot of concentration! They took me back to the stuff i did in my art and design foundation course, but i really enjoyed goin back to the more art side of things. I learnt many different ways to experiment around with media and think i am going to carry on with some tonight at home. As i need to create 20 final pieces i am happy with and to a higher standard. Lots of work to do :-(
Next week should also give me lots more work to choose from for my final pieces at we hav got a work out of studio week i best get some work done!
The workshops were there to help us create the skill in using appropriate media to communicate the style and mood you want to create.

Tuesday 13 October 2009


Had my first feedback with Ian this morning for the module. It went quite well he just said i need to think more about what i am putting on my pages, to be careful im not just putting them there to fill the page. for instance what kind of drawings i can do that will help my ideas. Also i need to consider the media, font etc i use on my pages to tie in with my theme.

Monday 12 October 2009

12th Oct

Wooooooo handed in my first module. I feel it went quite well and really enjoyed researching the history of Fashion. However i wish i gave myself more time to develop my ideas...oh well i will consider my time more in the next module. Just hope i have done ok. Looking forward to my next one it seems to be more art based and creative cant wait to start!

Friday 9 October 2009

For my final idea i chose to create a sewing box which you open and the information is inside. The top of the sewing box has different compartments representing different parts i researched in make do and mend. Finally i have finished it and just hung up my work. Just waiting for hand in date now :-s

Tuesday 6 October 2009

hand in date soon!!!!!!!!!

Just thinking of ideas from my research to make my finial piece. Stressing :-s Need to start making it soon to get it all finished! best carry on with it byeeee xx

Monday 5 October 2009

Now that i have done my research sheets i need to pick my favorite of the three. Which will be make do and mend. From this i need to look more carefully and start designing some ideas that i could make a 3d advertisement for an exhibition on this.

Wednesday 30 September 2009

Gareth Pugh

I had never heard of the man before now. I am very interested in his work thats why i chose to look at him for a part of my project. His work its so different..his work its there just to look at not really wearable. He seems to love his freedom and doesn worry about the money side just wants people to see his work! I like the attitude Gareth Pugh has he just goes head and creates the idea he wants and doesn think twice about anything else.

Thursday 24 September 2009

Fashion Art and Culture

This week we have started are first module. Each day we had a lecture on the history of fashion. We had to choose are favorite point of each lecture, then go out into Leeds and research it. I'm finding this module pretty interesting.. first day i started looking at flappers from the 1920's. I found out that dresses in the high street today are being influence by these fabulous 1920 flapper dresses. I think i need to buy one myself hehe. i chose make do and mend from my 2nd lecture...i didn no that with the credit crutch today John Lewis are now doing a modern make do and mend classes!!

Monday 21 September 2009

Sep 21st

I feel the first week went pretty well im liking my course so far. However not really been in much as its just a induction week so we will see.. today got are first module handbook art and culture..sounds quite interesting. looking forward to start. Rest of the week is still inductions so just goin to enjoy my freshers week:-) need to get to know my new friends some how! lol

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Off to Sheffield!!
Was pretty excited for today never been to Sheffield before. Gave us a chance to get to know one another. Wasnt that impressed with Sheffield didnt really like the city but there was a few interesting places i took pictures of. Had a fun day tho with my new girlies. :-)

Monday 14 September 2009

First day

Sept 14th my first day of BA Fashion.
Pretty nervous actually, didnt no any1 or what to expect but went really well.
Just sat down and started talking with the students around me and waited for the day to begin. Wasnt in very long so didnt meet many people but so good so far.
Veryyyyyyyyyyy tired now lol not used to getting up early!! :-( need a nap!! ha byeee for now xx