Thursday 22 October 2009

Workshop week!

Ahhh really tired now.. just finished my last workshop..consist of alot of concentration! They took me back to the stuff i did in my art and design foundation course, but i really enjoyed goin back to the more art side of things. I learnt many different ways to experiment around with media and think i am going to carry on with some tonight at home. As i need to create 20 final pieces i am happy with and to a higher standard. Lots of work to do :-(
Next week should also give me lots more work to choose from for my final pieces at we hav got a work out of studio week i best get some work done!
The workshops were there to help us create the skill in using appropriate media to communicate the style and mood you want to create.

Tuesday 13 October 2009


Had my first feedback with Ian this morning for the module. It went quite well he just said i need to think more about what i am putting on my pages, to be careful im not just putting them there to fill the page. for instance what kind of drawings i can do that will help my ideas. Also i need to consider the media, font etc i use on my pages to tie in with my theme.

Monday 12 October 2009

12th Oct

Wooooooo handed in my first module. I feel it went quite well and really enjoyed researching the history of Fashion. However i wish i gave myself more time to develop my ideas...oh well i will consider my time more in the next module. Just hope i have done ok. Looking forward to my next one it seems to be more art based and creative cant wait to start!

Friday 9 October 2009

For my final idea i chose to create a sewing box which you open and the information is inside. The top of the sewing box has different compartments representing different parts i researched in make do and mend. Finally i have finished it and just hung up my work. Just waiting for hand in date now :-s

Tuesday 6 October 2009

hand in date soon!!!!!!!!!

Just thinking of ideas from my research to make my finial piece. Stressing :-s Need to start making it soon to get it all finished! best carry on with it byeeee xx

Monday 5 October 2009

Now that i have done my research sheets i need to pick my favorite of the three. Which will be make do and mend. From this i need to look more carefully and start designing some ideas that i could make a 3d advertisement for an exhibition on this.