Wednesday 27 January 2010

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Production of garment !!

Today has been the longest day!! I'm only in once this week, my day was today to make my garment. We started by actually cutting out the pattern pieces in the fabric then had to start making my design. I started by sewing the darts in front and back bodice. I needed to remember to sew, press, sew, press so that garment will be finished to a professional level. i then sewed the yoke to bottom of the bodice. next step was to sew in the concealed zip that went down the back. I sewed shoulder and side seam. Then the facings with i wasn't too sure what to do so took some time. Then i sewed the bottom of the skirt and the side seam- first time round i sewed in the wrong way round, had to unpick. Next step was the sleeves. To finsh was the hem and the top stitch. All in all i was very pleased of what i had done i didn't think i would finish it in a day.

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Pattern Cutting

Yesterday and today i have been learning how to pattern cut my chosen design. we started to work out each piece i am going to need to make my garment. At first i found this very stressful i think this was down to the fact just too many of us. However today we were split up i seem to get the hang of it more. Juts took me longer than expected ended up stayin at uni till 7 just wanted to get it down otherwise ill forget where i was at. But at least i have done it right.

Thursday 14 January 2010

1st week back

My first week back after Christmas has been a case of carrying on with are folders. I have now learnt how to sewing a set-in sleeve in fabric. I found this ok just hard to make sure ya keeping it lined up! Almost if you were making a garment you would need to unpick and start again ! Also i have learnt my zips. I now know how to do a concealed zip, edge to edge zip and a visible zip. They weren't too difficult but wanted to make them as neat as possible. In my own time i have had to start think of dress ideas that i could make. It has to consist of a zip, flared or puffed sleeve, a facing and a flare or puffed skrit.